Monday, 25 January 2016

Marvel-lous homemade art

As you'll have gathered from the post Happy 'Spidey' Easter, about the little felt Spiderman I made as part of an Easter present, I have Marvel fan who had a very plain, empty new flat.

On one of the many DIY store trips, I recently stumbled across some amazing Marvel wallpaper - whilst looking for something completely different - of course! It had a lovely retro style to the images using old covers from various comics and I knew it would make something great to brighten up some of the plain walls.

As with all rented properties we can't decorate the walls - which limits the use of wallpaper a bit. So I had a rummage around the rest of the shop and found some cheap £1 wooden photo frames, some paintbrushes and some red paint - picking out the red in the comic covers. When I got home I spent a sunny afternoon in the garden painting frames and choosing which comic covers to use from the paper.

By the end of the afternoon I had 6 marvel-lous new pictures to hang in the hall all for the grand price of £8! I love the retro feel of them!

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